Welp, I finally made these 30s kitchen jimjams. I gotta say, Decades of Style patterns are THE MOST size accurate repo patterns I have ever worked with. A fantastic experience. Everything matched up, was sized correctly, and right of grain lines were spot on. These patterns are awesome!

Now, with that said, I made TONS of mistakes, but they were from my own doing. I will, however, on the next one, move over the tucks the front bust, as compared with the layout on the pattern.

The pattern itself is strange. There are no facing pieces, and Im adamant about facing, so I had to make some for the neckline, sleeves, and back.

I tapered the waist as compared with the finished garment size on the pattern and Im glad I did. The fit of the jimjams depends on how tight you tie the belt. The tighter the belt, the more you will get a bulge in the diaper looking back, the looser the belt, the more the back fold over will droop. *sheesh*